Sunday, 28 July 2013


Scots flag up high/Gathering clumps of cut grass/Lews Castle/Roses cut with Matilda one warm morning/We took your hilarious headgear a wandering/Playing together/Floatings boatings

Linking up with Emily at The Beetleshack and the 'Stills'.



Saturday, 27 July 2013

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Matilda: Up, up, up the hill we go... Leading the way and just making sure your head gear is in order. You'll go barefoot whenever the chance is there.

George: I gave you a haircut last weekend. It seems you are an actual boy now.

Thanks to Jodi for sharing these portraits of my two last week.

Joining in with Jodi's lovely 52 project.


summer rain, come again.

Friday, 26 July 2013


Yesterday found me tired and tense and on my best 'Un-Fun-Mummy' form. A long hot day that started just before 5am with much too much (for me) of Turbo-George's stuntman antics, a lot of playing 'I Smell A Naughty Kitten Poo, Now, Where The Hell Is It?!' and poor tired Matilda, the 5am wakee. By late morning I was definitely not in the mood yet quietly holding it together but come afternoon I'd had enough. Tea time I was on the verge and when bedtime finally rolled around I was well and truly over it, not winning any parenting points at that moment in time I can assure you. Still, I managed to cajole a kicking, sobbing Lady Small to sleep and settle George then I completely collapsed into the quiet of the evening. Just as if they knew, those dense and muggy summer skies opened up and down fell the warm rain. Soothing and clearing the air and my temper with it. I pushed every window as wide as they would go and let that clean air in. A nice Guiness (all I could get my mitts on) and a bit of lazy behaviour put me back together again.

N.B. Photo above... Just because she's scrumptious.


summer wanderings: lews castle grounds

Thursday, 25 July 2013

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Summer days are sweet but few, here. They could be snatched away before long, so a wandering we go whenever chance shows itself. 20 minutes stroll to 'The Grounds' (with my luggage laden phil & teds) turned into almost an hour with my lady small who must converse with every passing bug and speck of fluff... No hurry. We spent a lovely few hours taking summer in... Peeking through pretty gates, paddling in the shallows of the slipway, watching the ferry get smaller and smaller as it sails away, climbing dusty hills (barefoot, of course) and shouting really loudly from the top. Ice cream from The Woodlands Centre and we even almost made it home in time to avoid any no-nap-for-George-meltdowns, almost. Not a bad way to spend a beautiful day.


little moon.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


When I was very little, my Granny/Nanny/Grandmama/Nana-Banana used to recite this little rhyme to me, as she traced my face with her gentle hands. I'd ask her to do it all the time and now I say the same little rhyme to Matilda, while I stroke her sleepy face and it takes me right back to little days of my own. I've no idea where she got this from, if she made it up or if it's a Granny 'thing'?!

The moon is round
He has
Two eyes
A nose
A mouth
And a chinny-chin-chin.

Knock on the door
Spy through the keyhole
Lift up the latch
Wipe your boots
And walk in
Take a chair
Sit down there
And how do you do this morning?




Lewis Pipe Band performing in Stornoway / My little cherub cat / Roses in the evening / Dusky summer sky / Little girl fallen alseep in the big bed / A very hot little sleeping George.
It has been the Hebridean Celtic Music Festival this weekend here. And while we didn't go to the actual festival, (I'm not crazy enough to take two small children to a festival on my own, yet), we did indulge in some of the festivities. The Lewis Pipe band were performing in town so we marched along with them, until Matilda the pussy-cat (she's rather good at being a cat) declared it was much too loud. Pipes are pretty noisy. 



Saturday, 20 July 2013


1. Puddle hopping our way to town to run some errands, we walk down this street just for the colourful walls.
2. Matilda wanted porridge for lunch, post walk, post purchase of apparently very exciting oats, why not, eh.
3. We now have TWO cheeky kittens. Rumpus and Mog. They are very funny.
4. Pomegranate pinching.
5. Pomegranate pincher.
6. Summer bum.
7. Beach collectings.

Joining in again with Emily's Weekly Stills at The Beetleshack.
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Friday, 19 July 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week.

Matilda: "I AM STUCK, MUMMY!" Giggle, giggle... scamper away. Grassy stroll on the way to the shore this week.
George: I can just feel the breeze and taste the salty air when I look at this. At your most peaceful by the sea.

Happily joining in, still, with the 52 project at Jodi's Che & Fidel.


the best remedy.

Thursday, 18 July 2013


A few minutes walk from our garden gate is a beautiful, quiet, mostly stoney with just enough sandy beach. Trundling down the road to our own little beach is just the best remedy for all kind of small people (or big people) grumps. Or just for a lovely little explore, more often than not. In this case, however, it was absolutely in aid of the grown up kind of grumps, there's no better way to perk myself up than to indulge in some exploring and care-free time with my littles. I woke like a bear with a sore head, this morning, with an actual sore head and after a slow morning trudging through some not fun jobs in the house I decided enough was enough, forced myself out of said grump and quickly packed and we were off for a good couple of hours. I think it did the trick, 'cause "when Mama's not happy, ain't no-one happy." I once read, or something like that.


Matilda, the Narrator.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Is there such a thing as too many books? Too much make believe? I don't think so... Miss Matilda's little land of Matilda is SO full of imagination, it just flows from her brilliant little mind with such delightful ease, like all other three year olds, I bet. The funny thing is, that often while pottering/hopping/singing to the world from her little land she often talks to herself and about herself and about everything that's going on in her creation in the third person, story narrator style.

"Now, the monkey needs a jungle with too many trees, she thought."
"And then she hugged her mummy."
"But... But... I MUST have more nuts! She cried, excitedly."
"Oh no dinosaur, don't eat them, I need my legs... She shrieked."
"Now Rumpus, you need to eat these leaves, she demanded."

So funny. I was forever with my nose in a book when I was small, I'm glad to be sharing a love of books with Matilda and George. I just hope she grows out of the self narration by her teens... Or at least learns to keep it to appropriate situations, like, for my entertainment.



Saturday, 13 July 2013

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A few little things I want to remember from our week.

1, 2, 3 & 4. Pasta making together.
5. Little Porge... ANOTHER donk to the head. You did receive the donk while having a lot of fun though.
6. Pre-bath crazies.

It's been another long week here but with some amazing weather which we have enjoyed massively, a few visits to the "little park" (as opposed to the "big park", of course.) where our Lady Small is becoming a pretty accomplished climber, and we've done some cooking together, as you can see. We also have a new kitten friend, 'Rumpus' to play with. So named, by Matilda, after a little kitten from this lovely, lovely book that was given to her by her Granny a little while ago. I haven't managed to snap a non-blurry photo of the furball yet, she is FAST!

Joining in with the ever lovely Emily and her weekly 'Stills'.



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Joining in again with Jodi's lovely 52 project.

Matilda: Snuggled in the big bed. Summer has returned to the Hebrides (hooray!!), bringing with it... Hay fever, boo. We've discovered you've inherited it from me. So you've been tired and a little irritable, waking early hours with sore puffy eyes.  We have had an excellent week despite this, including not least of all a NEW KITTEN. You've been amazingly gentle with little Rumpus, taking lovely care of her and really enjoying having a new little friend. (Do bogies look less offensive in black & white?!)

George: George's look of calm, quiet concentration. Cooling off and whizzing up some lovely bubbles with Great-Granny's hand whisk. For such a strong and feisty little fellow, you've been ever so gentle with the new kitten, too. You don't know your own strength, of course but you're trying very hard. I've been really enjoying the extra giggles in the house as both you and your sister run after Rumpus up and down the hallway.
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