Tuesday, 17 December 2013


Matilda: Forever fond of your reflection. Less for the vanity, more for the intelligent conversation. (Maybe a little for the vanity...)
George: When I first met your Daddy he made me laugh by saying what a great Batman he would be because of his good jaw and mouth area. It's true! And you have inherited his lovely lips it seems.

Joining in with Jodi once again. (Despite completely missing last week - I know it's a bit cheating, since the whole idea is a photo a week but while life definitely was happening, the blogging of, was not - life just got the better of me for a small while there )

Tonight we had a pre Christmas dinner with Tom's parents as they're off down south and we're staying put so we won't see them 'till after the new year. A lovely time and a gorgeous feast was had- Venison Wellington made by Tom. Tasty doesn't cover it, just SO delicious. So I'm going to sleep tonight with a happy tummy and a happy heart and looking forward to what will be a quiet but lovely Christmassy time with my favourite small people and Tom too, of course (when he's not busy making Christmas happen for lots of people at the Hotel, that is).


an advent calender

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


November 30th and of course the completely brilliant, well planned, surprise filled advent calender I had promised myself to make hadn't yet materialised so I set to with what I had to hand. This was; a pile of envelopes, a large Baileys on ice, pens, bakers twine and tiny pegs (thank you Tom). It's quite fun I guess and the different little illustrations make me smile. (The robin is my favourite, I think... or the wreath maybe). Each day has a note inside with something festive to make/do together on. I'm sort of making it up as I go along -  but so far we have made special cakes, started colouring a HUGE Christmas tree poster (22 pages big, infact) and written a letter to Santa Claus. If I run out of ideas then maybe I'll throw some chocolate coins in, too.




Matilda: Carrot cake maker face.
George: The best colour is... All of the colours!

Photos this week are pretty grainy. Gloomy skies don't make for clear captures and I've not had the time/patience to mess about with settings. That's my excuse anyway. Hope your weeks are being good to you! Busy times.

Joining in with Jodi again over here.
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