This October just gone marked three years in our home. THREE YEARS?! Woaaahhhhhh... A lot has happened in that time. Matilda has grown from a dribbly crawler to an actual small person and I have borned her a friend by the name of George who is actually an actual person now, too. And plenty of living and doing and so on and so forth. That's enough isn't it? It is quite a lot really. Because not a lot has happened in the decorating department here. I'm pretty ashamed of the fact that we've been living in these wood-chipped walls for so long. (Wood-chip is a NIGHTMARE, by the way - we first started trying to remove it when we moved in, bleurgh.) So embarrassed in fact that very few humans besides Tom's parents have come over to visit. Yes so that's the truth. Enough is enough though. We're now making a huge push to really make this house our home. One that we love. And our little people love and that we really enjoy. Looking back, a great deal of procrastination has been going on, obviously but I'm going to allow myself one (or two) excuses. First of all is the eternal excuse of time. Everyone's short on time, there's never enough time, is there?. Tom's busy doing a brilliant job of running a busy hotel here on the Island so I am mostly just me. Second of all I should add that it's been only within the last few months that I've started to get some proper good sleep. When I had George and Matilda was 23 months old, she was still waking often through the night and then George's night time antics, since being a real newborn to maybe three or four months ago have been like that of a newborn, waking every couple of hours and never particularly keen on going back to sleep. Leaving me feeling pretty rubbish a lot of the time, in all honesty. These are just excuses, I know I could have got a lot more done, hey we live and learn. But enough with the excuses, that's all done and been and gone. And for now most of our furniture is squashed into one bit of the house and there's plenty of dust and debris and tools and ladders lying about but I'm very, very much looking forward to some results emerging. Because wood-chip certainly doesn't suit us. The thought of clean lovely crisp walls to fill really has me excited. I'm not embarrassed about that bit at all.
home: procrastination, dust & progress.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
This October just gone marked three years in our home. THREE YEARS?! Woaaahhhhhh... A lot has happened in that time. Matilda has grown from a dribbly crawler to an actual small person and I have borned her a friend by the name of George who is actually an actual person now, too. And plenty of living and doing and so on and so forth. That's enough isn't it? It is quite a lot really. Because not a lot has happened in the decorating department here. I'm pretty ashamed of the fact that we've been living in these wood-chipped walls for so long. (Wood-chip is a NIGHTMARE, by the way - we first started trying to remove it when we moved in, bleurgh.) So embarrassed in fact that very few humans besides Tom's parents have come over to visit. Yes so that's the truth. Enough is enough though. We're now making a huge push to really make this house our home. One that we love. And our little people love and that we really enjoy. Looking back, a great deal of procrastination has been going on, obviously but I'm going to allow myself one (or two) excuses. First of all is the eternal excuse of time. Everyone's short on time, there's never enough time, is there?. Tom's busy doing a brilliant job of running a busy hotel here on the Island so I am mostly just me. Second of all I should add that it's been only within the last few months that I've started to get some proper good sleep. When I had George and Matilda was 23 months old, she was still waking often through the night and then George's night time antics, since being a real newborn to maybe three or four months ago have been like that of a newborn, waking every couple of hours and never particularly keen on going back to sleep. Leaving me feeling pretty rubbish a lot of the time, in all honesty. These are just excuses, I know I could have got a lot more done, hey we live and learn. But enough with the excuses, that's all done and been and gone. And for now most of our furniture is squashed into one bit of the house and there's plenty of dust and debris and tools and ladders lying about but I'm very, very much looking forward to some results emerging. Because wood-chip certainly doesn't suit us. The thought of clean lovely crisp walls to fill really has me excited. I'm not embarrassed about that bit at all.
Hi Holly, and nice to meet you. Your photos are amazing: very evocative. If I can ask you: what camera do you use?
ReplyDeleteHello Veronica, lovely to meet you too! What a compliment, thank you very much. I use a Canon eos1100D. A simple entry level DSLR but I really love using it, a great camera. Happy weekend to you. Holly.