Our Grampy is a hard fellow to buy presents for. A man with everything he needs and way too many hats. He has been a bird watcher since he was a boy and happily fills time watching them flit about across the grassy machair. Our little lady small shares in his affection for feathery ones and it is with pure delight I see them together looking at their big and small bird books, together. Another thing our Grampy loves is a home baked biscuit from the jar in our kitchen. So, I thought I'd bake him a jarful of something for Father's Day and it turned out to be these little chocolatey birds.
Makes about 15
(depending how greedy you and your little kitchen helpers are with the chef's perks... I got slightly fewer)
The original recipe used 6cm round cutters.
Set your oven to 160c/325f/Gas Mark 3
Prepare two baking sheets
125g softened butter
75g icing sugar
115g plain flour
40g cocoa powder
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
For the filling:
125g dark/plain chocolate
50ml double cream
Beat together butter and sugar until 'fluffy' or until your arm aches a bit, at least. (You can always use an electric whisk/food mixer.) Then sift flour, cinnamon and cocoa into your buttery fluff and combine to form a stiff dough. Place your dough between two sheets of baking parchment and roll to about 3mm or so, though mine were slightly thicker. Cut them out and pop onto your baking sheets. Bake for around 15 minutes, keep an eye on them as they want to be starting to firm to the touch but they'll firm a little more as they cool... Probably.
Now the filling...
In a pan, melt your chocolate into the cream, leave it to cool and then completely chill down in the fridge for a couple of hours. When it's firm, squidge a spoonful between two of your biscuits and EAT.