Without completely meaning for it, it seems it's been five months since I last visited this little space, here. And I do feel pretty awkward and clumsy tapping at the keys just now, as I try to cobble together a few lines. I've no big news to explain my absence, life on this lovely/funny island continues to flow for us in the usual too fast/too slow way that comes with raising small people. I'll admit though that it came about initially as I struggled to justify the time I spent writing posts and faffing about with my photos when there is so much else I'm not finding time for and I felt in trying to put bits and pieces of my simple life here into readable and interesting posts, that I was being a bit contrived maybe. In the end I just fell out of the habit of writing and posting and completely dropped the ball on the 52 project, even though I'm still forever taking photos of my children.(Can I join in again, halfway through?!) At the same time, I DO actually quite like this little corner of the internet I have and I find it an enjoyable way to share the things I like and do with my little loves. So I might not abandon it just yet. We'll see. I have always been incredibly indecisive. Haha. Anyway, HELLO and happy weekending to you.