An old photo of George I found. He no longer has such a long messy mop of hair, I miss it a bit.
Cooking : quick and simple for the children and me six days out of the week. We really look forward to Sunday when Tom manages a break from work and then we feast a bit. Either at my parents-in-law's house or here.
Drinking : lots of tea, not enough water.
Reading: Anna Jones' new book: A Modern Way To Cook
Wanting: A little break.
Looking: Tired.
Playing: Nick Drake's Pink Moon.
Deciding: A beach walk after breakfast tomorrow will be on the cards, regardless of weather
Wishing: For some time with my Tom
Enjoying: The late evening quiet very much tonight.
Liking: the sound of the rain.
Wondering: What to make for dinner tomorrow. My background thoughts always revert to food.
Loving: Matilda's appetite for books. She's ploughs her way through chapter books, laughing aloud and pausing to ask me a question or share the joke.
Pondering: The many and much there is to do and what needs to come first.
Considering: Starting those blankets that I've mentally committed myself to making for the littles by winter. I've never made a bed-sized blanket and neither have I ever crocheted a blanket. Better make a start then. (tips?)
Buying: All the lovely fresh vegetables I can squeeze into the fridge. Something about that, that I really enjoy. Makes me acknowledge in a small way how fortunate we are, I suppose.
Watching: The rain and the trees in the garden doing their best windy dance.
Hoping: tomorrow brings some sun and a break from the rain.
Marvelling: At the kindness of some people I'm lucky enough to know.
Cringing: at myself in my less than patient moments, which are too frequent lately, truth be told.
Needing: Some child free pal/gal time.
Questioning: the wisdom of living where we do when the weather is so rotten.
Smelling: The washing drying on the landing
Noticing: the children growing, as children do.
Knowing: That, "this too shall pass", as they say, trying to be mindful of this when it gets too much.
Thinking: About people far away.
Sorting: Bit by bit.
Getting: Behind.trying not to mind.
Bookmarking: Recipes as ever.
Coveting: Little dresses for Matilda. She does love a frock, hard to get her to wear anything else. She needs a few new ones. Opposite of me at that age in that department
Disliking: Solo parenting at the moment.
Opening: messages from family.
Giggling: Often, thankful to live in a house of laughter.
Feeling: happy to be in bed.
Snacking: All the time.
Helping: Matilda with writing sweet letters to cousins
Hearing: George mumbling in his sleep. The rain.
'Taking stock' list prompts borrowed from Pip over at Meet Me at Mikes.